Photoshop is a popular name for image editing software. Its full name is Adobe Photoshop and it is developed by Adobe Systems Incorporated. Works on Apple Macintosh and Windows operating systems. Photoshop allows you to modify scanned images, especially photos. It is also used to create and edit images (e.g. logos) and graphics. Shape, light, color and background are some of the aspects that this tool allows you to edit. The program has a very large image editing capabilities. We can also install various add-ons for this program.
Not It is possible to learn this program right away. On Youtube we find a lot of tips for beginners. A guide on how to get started with this program.
In the above tutorial, the author shows that you need to create a new project first. We can enter the dimensions of the project. There are many options. The author makes a project for Instagram. The second step the author shows is importing his photos. The author shows how to easily place a photo. How to enlarge it and reduce its size. Next we have an overview of the software interface. In the fourth part of the video, the author explains basic editing tools, what they do, how to use them. Shows how to select an object in a photo, how to crop a photo. Shows how to create masks, how to use the eraser tool. It shows how to add text to a photo. The next section introduces us to the blending modes and blending options. Finally, the photo was exported.
Photoshop is a very useful tool that can help me in my studies.
Good that you posted this. However, you need to post screenshots of you trying out the tutorial and reflect on how did you find the experience. What will you takeaway from it and use in your own project? Remember you need to test tools on Photoshop, that you may not have tried before, as the point of the project is to gain new skills and develop any existing ones.