The first ad shows the efficiency of the autofocus by showing a funny scene of men focusing their eyes on a beautiful woman. The advertisement attracts the attention of the recipient. This advertisement has a strong sexual impact. The woman is attractive. It has exposed neckline and legs. This means that no one will be indifferent to this advertisement. The advertisement was made for the Olimpus company.
The second Nikon ad shows how many lenses they offer. The advertisement shows the richness of Nikon's offer. The advertisement also shows the possibilities that the company has. It shows how huge the choice is for the consumers of this brand. This is an example of how you can show your position in the market.
Source: Nikon Advert
Good that you started analysing the two adverts. However, you need to complete this and talk about how have they inspired you to create your own advert? You need to add a little more commentary to write what ideas did they give you to create your own advert and what did you learn from them.